Results for 'Tatyana A. Kostochka'

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  1.  77
    Why moods change: their appropriateness and connection to beliefs.Tatyana A. Kostochka - 2020 - Synthese 198 (12):11399-11420.
    There are many more philosophical discussions of emotions than of moods. One key reason for this is that emotions are said to have a robust connection to beliefs while moods are said to lack that connection. I argue that this view, though prevalent, is incorrect. It is motivated by examples that are not representative of how moods typically change. Indeed, once we examine the notion of belief-responsiveness and look at a wider range of examples, we can see that moods are (...)
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    A Little Mood Music: On the Relationship between Musical and Psychological Moods.Tatyana Kostochka - forthcoming - British Journal of Aesthetics.
    We regularly talk about music as if it has moods or, at least, expresses moods. However, the relationship between psychological and musical moods remains mysterious. Music doesn’t have feelings, so how could it have moods? To make up for that, many philosophers have provided theories of expression that don’t rely on music actually possessing anything mood-like. In this paper, I argue that if we take seriously an account of psychological moods that includes patterns of attention as part of the mood (...)
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    When ultrarapid is ultrarapid: on importance of temporal precision in neuroscience of language.Yury Y. Shtyrov & Tatyana A. Stroganova - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  4.  19
    Dissecting the effects of antibiotics on horizontal gene transfer: Analysis suggests a critical role of selection dynamics.Allison J. Lopatkin, Tatyana A. Sysoeva & Lingchong You - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (12):1283-1292.
    Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) is a major mechanism responsible for the spread of antibiotic resistance. Conversely, it is often assumed that antibiotics promote HGT. Careful dissection of the literature, however, suggests a lack of conclusive evidence supporting this notion in general. This is largely due to the lack of well‐defined quantitative experiments to address this question in an unambiguous manner. In this review, we discuss the extent to which HGT is responsible for the spread of antibiotic resistance and examine what (...)
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    A Lambek Automaton.Tatyana Veksler & Nissim Francez - 2006 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 14 (5):659-708.
    We define an automata-theoretic counterpart of grammars based on the Lambek-calculus L, a prominent formalism in computational linguistics. While the usual push-down automaton has the same weak generative power as the L-based grammars , there is no direct relationship between the computations of a PDA for some language L and the derivations of an L-based grammar for L. In the Lambek-automaton, on the other hand, there is a tight relation between automaton computations and grammar derivations. The automaton exhibits a novel (...)
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    A model for preparing future elementary school teachers to design educational content.Tatyana Vitovna Bogush - 2021 - Kant 38 (1):196-200.
    The article describes the future primary classes teachers preparation model for designing educational content. The model is presented as a set of four interrelated blocks: target, conceptual, content and technological. The model is based on the essence and components study of pedagogical university students readiness to design educational content.
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    Gendering Reciprocity: Solving a Puzzle of Nonreciprocation.Tatyana Lytkina, Marina Ilyina, Irina Tartakovskaya & Sarah Ashwin - 2013 - Gender and Society 27 (3):396-421.
    Theories of reciprocity have been surprisingly gender-blind. We develop a gendered account of reciprocity using qualitative data from Russia. We focus on gifts of unpaid task assistance, where gender differences are particularly visible. In our data, women’s gifts of labor involve greater time and effort than men’s, but women report nonreciprocation, while men do not. Paradoxically, the most onerous gifts are those least likely to be reciprocated. We show how this puzzling finding relates to the gendering of reciprocity. We define (...)
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  8. MORAL EMOTIONS PHENOMENON WITH POSITIVE VALENCE AS A SOCIAL BEHAVIOR INCENTIVE.Tatyana Pavlova, Roman Pavlov & Valentyn Khmarskyi - 2021 - Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences 2 (4):26-36.
    The study aims at determining the role and significance of such moral emotions as nobility, gratitude, admiration for the socially significant behavior of a person in society. That involves identifying a close relationship between those emotions and personality’s social behavior and that they can be one of the main incentives for socially significant behavior – theoretical basis. The importance of ethical emotions with positive valence when making decisions with their implementation in society determines the research’s theoretical and methodological basis. Those (...)
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  9.  29
    Artificial Neural Network Classification of Motor-Related EEG: An Increase in Classification Accuracy by Reducing Signal Complexity.Vladimir A. Maksimenko, Semen A. Kurkin, Elena N. Pitsik, Vyacheslav Yu Musatov, Anastasia E. Runnova, Tatyana Yu Efremova, Alexander E. Hramov & Alexander N. Pisarchik - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-10.
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    The crisis of rationality as a symptom of the crisis of systematicity.Tatyana Metelyova - 2003 - Sententiae 8 (1):17-25.
    The author shows that the search for new, non-classical forms of rationality is a symptom of the crisis of systematicity in human existence. Rationalism is a worldview correspondence to systemic human existence, and the limits of rationalism coincide with the limits of systematicity. Referring to postmodern philosophy, the author proves that human existence is not limited to systematicity. The scientific scope of the general, the ratio, is inferior to other horizons – aesthetic, moral, mystical, etc. culture-building existence has now declared (...)
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  11.  16
    Phenomenological Metaphysics by Laszlo Tengelyi in the Context of Modern Ontologies.Tatyana Litvin - 2020 - Studies in Transcendental Philosophy 1 (2-3).
    The German-Hungarian phenomenologist became one of the few philosophers at the beginning of the 21st century who analyzed the foundations of transcendentalism in terms of the continental tradition. As a philosopher working within the framework of the Cartesian attitude, he posed the same questions as other philosophers after Heidegger - is it possible an alternative to ontotheology, is metaphysics possible after the rejection of metaphysics? But his answer quite accurately reflects both the internal contradictions of phenomenology and the heuristic possibilities (...)
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  12.  14
    A new management model in the economic space of rural territories: theory and research methodology.Tatyana Bukhtiyarova & Dmitry Demyanov - 2019 - Sotsium I Vlast 6:87-98.
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    Contact Join-semilattices.Tatyana Ivanova - 2022 - Studia Logica 110 (5):1219-1241.
    Contact algebra is one of the main tools in region-based theory of space. In it is generalized by dropping the operation Boolean complement. Furthermore we can generalize contact algebra by dropping also the operation meet. Thus we obtain structures, called contact join-semilattices and structures, called distributive contact join-semilattices. We obtain a set-theoretical representation theorem for CJS and a relational representation theorem for DCJS. As corollaries we get also topological representation theorems. We prove that the universal theory of CJS and of (...)
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  14.  17
    Improving the organization and methods of accounting and control of income and expenses of autonomous institutions.Tatyana Borisovna Turishcheva - 2021 - Kant 40 (3):105-109.
    The purpose of the study is to develop practical recommendations for the development and improvement of the organization and methods of accounting and control of income and expenses of autonomous institutions. The scientific novelty of the study includes proposals for improving and formalizing the classification procedures and, accordingly, accounting for the income and expenses of autonomous institutions for exchange and non-exchange operations, also substantiated the directions for improving the quality of internal control procedures for the implementation of estimates by focusing (...)
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  15.  28
    Obligations of autonomous institutions: theoretical and accounting aspects.Tatyana Borisovna Turishcheva - 2022 - Kant 42 (2):63-67.
    To date, in modern economic conditions one of the most difficult and controversial accounting issues can be considered accounting obligations, institutions that are maintained at the expense of budgetary funds, which is largely due to the aggravation of non-payment problems. In the deepening of the payment crisis contributes its share and the lack of regulation of the budget system, which concerns the untimely payment of public obligations, which are carried out by autonomous institutions. In this context, the purpose of the (...)
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  16.  18
    Fyodor Dostoevsky and the contronym that was the Russian revolution.Tatyana Kovalevskaya - 2017 - Studies in East European Thought 69 (4):277-286.
    The paper discusses Dostoevsky’s insight into the oxymoronic metaphysics of the Russian revolution. The keys to it are contained in two of Dostoevsky’s works. The first is Demons with Kirillov’s idea of self-deification in death intended to fill the gap left by the proclaimed absence of God. The second is Notes from the House of the Dead, where Dostoevsky depicts the Russian peasants as people for whom even such notions as freedom, happiness and honor are expressed in monetary terms. The (...)
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  17.  15
    Tourism in a region: new development opportunities.Tatyana Melnikova & Igor Shevchuk - 2020 - Sotsium I Vlast 5:65-77.
    Introduction. Modern times are characterized by independence from financial support for travel due to introducing an ordinary region with its daily surrounding into tourist circulation, focusing not on distance, but on the depth of emotions when choosing a place to visit. The aim of the study is to assess the factors of transforming the tourist environment in a region, which might result in a number of challenges for managing the regional development. Methods. In the framework of the study, both general (...)
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  18.  40
    Worldview through the Prism of Personal Life-Meaning Orientations.Tatyana Leshkevich & Anna Motozhanets - 2021 - Philosophia 49 (4):1619-1629.
    The article provides an insight into the interrelation between the worldview and personal meaningful orientations in the context of the modern digital era. The purpose of the article is to investigate the process of generating personal ontology with due regard to personal meaning-making, which involves considering three groups of issues. Firstly, attention is focused on understanding the complexity of the modern epoch against the background of the technological revolution and the effects of virtual imitation of reality, which may determine the (...)
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    Aleksandr Bogdanov’s Concept of Revolution and the Organisation of State.Tatyana Rumyantseva, Румянцева Татьяна, Daniela Steila, Стейла Даниэла, Lucia Pasini & Пазини Лючия - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (1):62-78.
    The article is devoted to the controversy of Alexander Alexandrovich Bogdanov, the so-called “another Bolshevik”, with Lenin and his associates on the question of the revolution and the ways of building a socialist society and state. It is shown that Bogdanov expressed a critical attitude towards the revolution and its socialist nature, the ability of the proletariat to play a decisive role in it, and wrote about Russia’s unpreparedness for an anti-capitalist coup, thereby expressing a distinctly marked anti-Leninist position. Based (...)
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  20. The phenomenon of negative emotions in the social existence of human.Tatyana Pavlova & V. V. Bobyl - 2018 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 14:94-93.
    Purpose. The research is aimed at determining the influence of negative ethical emotions on social life and the activity of the individual, which involves solving the following problems: a) to find out approaches to the typology of ethical emotions, b) to highlight individual negative ethical emotions and to determine their ability to influence human behaviour. Theoretical basis. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the recognition of the significant influence of negative emotions on human activity in society. In (...)
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  21. The impact of collaboration strategy in the field of innovation on the effectiveness of organizational structure of healthcare institutions.Tatyana Grynko, Tetiana Shevchenko, Roman Pavlov, Vladyslav Shevchenko & Dariusz Pawliszczy - 2020 - Knowledge and Performance Management 4 (1):37-51.
    The need for innovative development of healthcare institutions is determined by the necessity to increase the efficiency of organizational processes based on the formation of new models of cooperation, which will make it possible to get access to new technologies and knowledge. The goal of the study is to determine the parameters of the impact of innovative open cooperation strategy and the strategy of innovative closed cooperation of healthcare institutions on the effectiveness of their organizational structure in the context of (...)
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  22. Discourse Linguistics and Argumentation as Open Systems.Tatyana P. Tretyakova - 2006 - In F. H. van Eemeren, Peter Houtlosser, Haft-van Rees & A. M., Considering pragma-dialectics: a festschrift for Frans H. van Eemeren on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Mahwah, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates. pp. 259.
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    Apodictic Evidence in Phenomenology: A Correlative Approach.Tatyana Terentyeva - 2020 - Human Studies 43 (4):495-519.
    This article is devoted to a phenomenological analysis and interpretation of the basic concepts involved in phenomenology. The first concept that deserves our attention is that of “apodicticity” along with the related concept of “apodictic evidence”. The next concept is that of “correlation,” which manifests its apodictic character in bringing together all transcendental facts. With the transition from traditional discourses to modern discourse, the concept of apodicticity continues to deepen; at the same time, it is accepted that some metaphysical presuppositions (...)
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  24. Franchising as a Tool for Organizational Culture Formation in Tourism.Tatyana Grynko & Oleksandr Krupskyi - 2015 - Aktual'ni Problemy Ekonomiky= Actual Problems in Economics 163:145-154.
    The article considers franchising as a tool for market penetration and presence on it and also provides its main advantages, in tourism and hospitality sector in particular; examines the role of franchising for tourism enterprises within the contemporary economic system; pays attention to organizational culture as a factor of franchising development in the travel industry ("TUI GROUP" case study). On the basis of employee survey the key problems are revealed associated with neglecting the importance of organizational culture formation and recommendations (...)
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  25.  15
    Simon L. Frank on J.W. Goethe’s Spiritual Personality.Tatyana N. Rezvykh - 2022 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 26 (1):94-109.
    The paper treats the character and significance of J.W. Goethes personality in Simon L. Franks interpretation. The study is based upon principles of historicism and development; it uses the methods of the unity of historical and logical, comparative-typological and textual methods. The paper demonstrates why the Russian philosopher turns to examine the works of the German thinker and the role of Goethes ideas in becoming of Franks philosophical system. It clarifies Georg Simmels influence on methodological approach to the definition of (...)
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  26. Modern Concepts of Financial and Non-Financial Motivation of Service Industries Staff.Tatyana Grynko, Oleksandr P. Krupskyi, Mykola Koshevyi & Olexandr Maximchuk - 2017 - Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics 26 (4):1100-1112.
    In modern conditions the questions of personnel management, including motivation, acquire new meaning. Particularly given the problems relevant to the service sector, where at the beginning of the XXI century employing more than 60% of the workforce in developed countries. These circumstances determine the need for a modern concept of material and immaterial motivation of service industries. Such factors determine the need for the development modern concept of material and immaterial motivation of service industries staff. To obtain indicated objective during (...)
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    Exploring Ion Channel Magnetic Pharmacology: Are Magnetic Cues a Viable Alternative to Ion Channel Drugs?Vitalii Zablotskii, Tatyana Polyakova & Alexandr Dejneka - forthcoming - Bioessays:e202400200.
    We explore the potential of using magnetic cues as a novel approach to modulating ion channel expression, which could provide an alternative to traditional pharmacological interventions. Ion channels are crucial targets for pharmacological therapies, and ongoing research in this field continues to introduce new methods for treating various diseases. However, the efficacy of ion channel drugs is often compromised by issues such as target selectivity, leading to side effects, toxicity, and complex drug interactions. These challenges, along with problems like drug (...)
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    Men in Crisis in Russia: The Role of Domestic Marginalization.Tatyana Lytkina & Sarah Ashwin - 2004 - Gender and Society 18 (2):189-206.
    A key feature of economic transition in Russia has been the demoralization of men at the lower end of the labor market. Rather than focusing on the labor market directly, this article looks at how men’s position within the household influences their ability to deal with their employment difficulties. Men’s main role within the household is as primary breadwinners, and there are few other tasks in the urban Russian household that are seen as masculine. Using longitudinal qualitative data, the authors (...)
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    Lucius Annaeus Seneca and Blaise Pascal on hope: an attempt at comparison.Tatyana Borisova & Володимир Капітон - 2003 - Sententiae 9 (2):150-165.
    The authors of the article analyze the phenomenon and symbol of hope in the philosophical views of Pascal and Seneca in terms of the invariance of the content against the background of social transformations. Through the distinction between hope-phenomenon and hope-symbol, the authors conclude that establishing a connection between the phenomenon of hope and the main categories of time makes it possible to trace the theological orientation in Pascal's views and Epicureanism in Seneca's teachings. The primary importance for Seneca of (...)
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  30. Tangible and intangible rewards in service industries: problems and prospects.Tatyana Grynko, Oleksandr P. Krupskyi, Mykola Koshevyi & Olexandr Maximchuk - 2017 - Journal of Applied Economic Sciences 12 (8(54)): 2481–2491.
    Willingness and readiness of people to do their jobs are among the key factors of a successful enterprise. In XXI century intellectual human labour is gaining unprecedented value and is being developed actively. The demand for intellectual labour calls forth an increasing number of jobs and professions that require an extensive preparation, a large number of working places, high level of integration of joint human efforts, growth of social welfare. These trends are becoming ever more pervasive and are spreading widely (...)
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  31.  74
    One of the new faces of bulgarian philosophical thought. A review of the writings of Ivanka Raynova. [REVIEW]Tatyana Batuleva - 2001 - Studies in East European Thought 53 (1-2):129-132.
  32.  45
    Extended Contact Algebras and Internal Connectedness.Tatyana Ivanova - 2020 - Studia Logica 108 (2):239-254.
    The notion of contact algebra is one of the main tools in the region-based theory of space. It is an extension of Boolean algebra with an additional relation C, called contact. Standard models of contact algebras are topological and are the contact algebras of regular closed sets in a given topological space. In such a contact algebra we add the predicate of internal connectedness with the following meaning—a regular closed set is internally connected if and only if its interior is (...)
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    Transformation of Higher Education as the Precondition for Competitive Development in Estonia and Latvia.Inna Dovladbekova, Tatyana Muravska & Tiiu Paas - 2006 - The European Legacy 11 (2):171-184.
    This paper outlines the main trends in higher education in the Baltic States and in particular in Estonia and Latvia, on the basis of the European Union concept of competitiveness and knowledge-based society development. Using the World Bank system of knowledge-based indicators, the position of the Baltic States is discussed and compared with international competitiveness ratings. We illustrate higher education systems in Estonia and Latvia by providing information on present institutional structures and by analyzing the key issues that contributed to (...)
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  34. Positive Illusions, Perceived Control and the Free Will Debate.Thomas Nadelhoffer & Tatyana Matveeva - 2009 - Mind and Language 24 (5):495-522.
    It is a common assumption among both philosophers and psychologists that having accurate beliefs about ourselves and the world around us is always the epistemic gold standard. However, there is gathering data from social psychology that suggest that illusions are quite prevalent in our everyday thinking and that some of these illusions may even be conducive to our overall well being. In this paper, we explore the relevance of these so-called 'positive illusions' to the free will debate. More specifically, we (...)
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  35.  14
    Current issues of improving state financial control in the Russian Federation.Raisa Ilyinichna Safiullaeva, Tatyana Alexandrovna Neshchadimova & Irina Anatolyevna Demchenko - 2021 - Kant 41 (4):86-90.
    The purpose of the study is to develop theoretical and organizational and methodological recommendations for improving state financial control. The article analyses the main performance indicators of the state financial control bodies, identifies the weaknesses of their activities, groups of problems and shortcomings of the current state financial control system. The scientific novelty consists in the development of a set of measures aimed at improving state financial control in the Russian Federation. As a result, the main directions for improving the (...)
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    Transcendental Turn in Contemporary Philosophy - VII: Transcendentalism and Cognitive Science.Sergey L. Katrechko, Anna A. Shiyan & Tatyana V. Salnikova - 2022 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 26 (3):720-728.
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    The system of Faustian meanings in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Oeuvre.Tatyana Kovalevskaya - 2022 - Studies in East European Thought 74 (1):3-18.
    The article surveys various potential sources for Dostoevsky’s knowledge of the Faust legend, examines a range of arts, from literature to music, and focuses on the novel of Friedrich Maximilian Klinger as an important influence for Dostoevsky as the writer interacts with Faustian themes in The Brothers Karamazov on both literary and meta-literary levels. Klinger’s novel is considered in terms of the problems of epistemology and the limits of human cognition, problems rooted in finiteness as a defining characteristic of human (...)
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  38.  23
    Uniformity vs. Unity.Tatyana B. Lyubimova - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (7):54-72.
    The question of whether it is possible to philosophize outside the categories of rationalist philosophy is not limited to methodology. It has ideological overtones. Namely, the rationalism that has developed in philosophy in modern times, after Descartes, is inevitably supplemented by mechanics. The world is seen as a machine, the living is reduced to mechanisms. Rationalism becomes a machine of mentality. Taking it as a model of normal thinking, giving it a universal value, we thereby impose Western way of thinking (...)
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    Psychiatry in free fall.Stepan Davtian & Tatyana Chernigovskaya - 2003 - Sign Systems Studies 31 (2):533-544.
    Diagnostics of a mental disorder completely bases on an estimation of patient’s behaviour, verbal behaviour being the most important. The behaviour, in turn, is ruled by a situation expressed as a system of signs. Perception of a situation could be seen as a function, which depends on the context resulting from the previous situations, structuring personal world. So the world is not given — it is being formed while the person is in action. We argue that distinctive features of behaviour, (...)
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  40.  14
    Art-techniques in the preparation of a musician-performer.Vladimir Georgievich Polushkin & Tatyana Ivanovna Strazhnikova - 2021 - Kant 38 (1):316-320.
    The authors of the article consider one of the directions of musical pedagogy - the use of art pedagogy in the process of training a musician-performer. Based on the analysis of the research literature and experience describes the possibility of using psychological reserves of music and performing activities, in particular, reception of musical color modeling of the emotional and figurative content of music, are revealed.
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    Unification and Finite Model Property for Linear Step-Like Temporal Multi-Agent Logic with the Universal Modality.Stepan I. Bashmakov & Tatyana Yu Zvereva - 2022 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 51 (3):345-361.
    This paper proposes a semantic description of the linear step-like temporal multi-agent logic with the universal modality \(\mathcal{LTK}.sl_U\) based on the idea of non-reflexive non-transitive nature of time. We proved a finite model property and projective unification for this logic.
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    The Problem of the Formation of Philosophical Prose in Persian.Tatyana G. Korneeva - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (6):126-137.
    The article discusses the problem of the formation of philosophical prose in the Persian language. The first section presents a brief excursion into the history of philosophical prose in Persian and the stages of formation of modern Persian as a language of science and philosophy. In the Arab-Muslim philosophical tradition, representatives of various schools and trends contributed to the development of philosophical terminology in Farsi. The author dwells on the works of such philosophers as Ibn Sīnā, Nāṣir Khusraw, Naṣīr al-Dīn (...)
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  43. Role of Cognitive Style of a Manager in the Development of Tourism Companies’ Dynamic Capabilities.Oleksandr P. Krupskyi & Tatyana Grynko - 2018 - Tourism and Hospitality Management 1 (24):1-21.
    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between cognitive styles of managers working in tourism companies and dynamic capabilities of these companies. Design – The research relies on a quantitative questionnaire. Methodology – To answer the research question, the bivariate (Pearson) correlation was applied. A number of 268 answers from people working in tourism were received. Findings – We found a positive correlation between different dimensions of dynamic capabilities of tourism companies. These capabilities are influenced (...)
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    Economic crime in the information environment.Vera Evgenievna Shumilina, Tatyana Alexandrovna Scherbakova & Alexandr Yaroslavovich Kochetov - 2021 - Kant 39 (2):121-126.
    The purpose of the study is to reveal the essence of economic security in the Internet environment, to identify and analyze statistical data on this issue. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time a comparison with foreign practice is made. As a result, some places that require improvement in this area are identified, the essence and understanding of new terms are revealed, and the principle of neural networks is explained. This work is (...)
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    Cells in the Non‐Uniform Magnetic World: How Cells Respond to High‐Gradient Magnetic Fields.Vitalii Zablotskii, Tatyana Polyakova & Alexandr Dejneka - 2018 - Bioessays 40 (8):1800017.
    Imagine cells that live in a high‐gradient magnetic field (HGMF). Through what mechanisms do the cells sense a non‐uniform magnetic field and how such a field changes the cell fate? We show that magnetic forces generated by HGMFs can be comparable to intracellular forces and therefore may be capable of altering the functionality of an individual cell and tissues in unprecedented ways. We identify the cellular effectors of such fields and propose novel routes in cell biology predicting new biological effects (...)
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  46. Model substantiation of strategies of economic behavior in the context of increasing negative impact of environmental factors in the context of sustainable development.R. V. Ivanov, Tatyana Grynko, V. M. Porokhnya, Roman Pavlov & L. S. Golovkova - 2022 - IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1049:012041.
    The concept of sustainable development considers environmental, social and economic issues in general. And the goals of resource conservation and socio-economic development do not contradict each other, but contribute to mutual reinforcement. The purpose of this study is to build and test an economic and mathematical model for the formation of strategies for the behavior of an economic entity with an increase in the impact of negative environmental factors. The proposed strategies and their models are based on the income-expenditure balance (...)
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  47. Influence of monetary information signals of the USA on the Ukrainian stock market.Roman Pavlov, Tatyana Grynko, Tatyana Pavlova, Levkovich Oksana & Pawliszczy Dariusz - 2020 - Investment Management and Financial Innovations 17 (4):327-340.
    The stronger the level of economic integration between countries, the greater the need to study the formation patterns of the stock market reaction to the financial information signals. This concerns the Ukrainian stock market, which is now in its infancy, and which reaction to financial information signals is sometimes ambiguous. The research aims to identify the formation patterns of return and volatility indicators of the Ukrainian stock market reaction to the US financial information signals. To assess the direct nature of (...)
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    The essence and functions of creative self-expression in professional activity the teacher-musician.Vladimir Polushkin, Tatyana Strazhnikova & Katherine Polushkina - 2020 - Kant 35 (2):300-304.
    The authors consider the important problem of creative expression of a musician-teacher for modern musical pedagogy. Based on the analysis of research literature, the content and functions of creative expression in musical and performing activities are revealed. It is characterized by the aesthetic nature of creative self-expression, internal harmony of will, emotional and intellectual intents of self-expression.
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  49.  37
    Relational Representation Theorems for Extended Contact Algebras.Philippe Balbiani & Tatyana Ivanova - 2020 - Studia Logica 109 (4):701-723.
    In topological spaces, the relation of extended contact is a ternary relation that holds between regular closed subsets A, B and D if the intersection of A and B is included in D. The algebraic counterpart of this mereotopological relation is the notion of extended contact algebra which is a Boolean algebra extended with a ternary relation. In this paper, we are interested in the relational representation theory for extended contact algebras. In this respect, we study the correspondences between point-free (...)
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    As Migrações Internacionais e a Ficção da Nacionalidade.Hermes Corrêa Dode Júnior & Tatyana Scheila Friedrich - forthcoming - Dissertatio:147-163.
    Resumo: O presente artigo tem por objetivo analisar como a noção de nacionalidade e de cidadania, legitimados com o surgimento do Estado-Nação, promovem a exclusão dos sujeitos imigrantes. A hipótese, defendida no trabalho, é a de que as normas que regulamentam as fronteiras nacionais atribuem ao agente migratório discricionariedade para definir quem pode ou não entrar em cada país, permitindo o uso de argumentos securitários para barrar a entrada de sujeitos indesejados em detrimento do reconhecimento da migração como um direito (...)
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